Friday, July 13, 2007


Red is such a fitting color for ambulance lights.
Squint your eyes and they look like christmas lights; not glistening on an evergreen tree, but on a sometimes-white, most times muddy, box. Red is a color that can't easily be ignored. It never fails to turn your head: a fellow mall-shopper sporting a bright red blouse, or that flashy red sports car cutting you off. Every life begins with red, many lives end with red. Red is the color of life; the life is in the blood, and blood, well, it's red. Red defines the word "emergency." Red screams, "Move out of the way, we've got a life to save!" This red heralds that hope is on the way, and when lying in a twisted heap of metal, this red is your hope. When these lights come flashing down the road, you can be sure that someone's life is undoubtedly changing. Make way for the Red, because someday, when you're least expecting and most desperately needing, it just might make a way for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! what an intitutive statement.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it!:)

9:53 PM  

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